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136 SNS: Psalm 68: What Did I Just Hear?

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To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that while context is king, tone may well be the Secretary of State? It is amazing how the tone used when we hear or read something colors how we listen to it. For instance, the word “Hello.” Depending on the tone, it can be very warm and welcoming, or cold and even almost rude. The same is true of how we read the Bible. Isn’t that intriguing? The Bible can sound very warm, welcoming, and compassionate, or it can sound aloof, cold, and holier than thou. Which is a bit ironic, but….

Ahhh, let’s first watch this psalm. Then if you want to hear more, follow the link below, and we’ll chat about it.

To hear our discussion of this psalm, follow this link to the podcast episode:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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