Snippets o Christian Life

145 SNS: No Stranger to the Pain

This is a spoken-word video.

Jesus says that in this world we will have troubles. It's not going to be a cakewalk... whatever that truly is... So, here is a piece about expecting the troubles. And remember, there is a huge difference between expecting them to happen and seeking them out. The first is healthy, and the second is not. Also, this is not to say that we should not seek remedies for what causes the pain. That would also not be wise. But expect them, and bring the troubles and the pain to Jesus that you may grow stronger through them.

Let me know what you think.

Have a great day.

Mykitchen U has partnered with Simple Not Shallow to create these fun spoken word pieces. Mykitchen U is always nearby and always open for learning and fun conversations. Where exactly is Mykitchen U located? The name says it all, really. Talk with you soon. Have a beautiful day.

If you like what you have seen, and would like a memento... or at least a coffee mug. We have some wonderful drinkware at our store on

144 SNS: Geth Sem Ene

This is a spoken-word video.


This is my take on one of the most powerful and yet often overlooked episodes of Jesus' life. One that shows not only how divine he was but also how human. This is found in Matthew 26:36-46. Let me know what you think. Have a great day.


Mykitchen U has partnered with Simple Not Shallow to create these fun spoken word pieces. Mykitchen U is always nearby and always open for learning and fun conversations. Where exactly is Mykitchen U located? The name says it all, really.


Talk with you soon. Have a beautiful day.


If you like what you have seen, and would like a memento... or at least a coffee mug. We have some wonderful drinkware at our store on

143 SNS: Tried Jesus

This is a spoken-word video.

A poetical discussion that highlights that Jesus and Christianity are not mere religious things to be tried. Indeed, if that is the approach taken, you have not encountered Jesus at all. There is more to Jesus, and so, to following him, than mere religious activities or things.

Let me know what you think.

Have a great day.

Mykitchen U has partnered with Simple Not Shallow to create these fun spoken word pieces. Mykitchen U is always nearby and always open for learning and fun conversations.

Where exactly is Mykitchen U located?

The name says it all, really. T

alk with you soon. Have a beautiful day.

If you like what you have seen, and would like a memento... or at least a coffee mug. We have some wonderful drinkware at our store on

You can also check out some of our mugs on the mugs home page here on our site.

142 SNS: It Has Begun Changed I'll Be

This is a spoken-word piece. A possible conversation from a long, long, long time ago. Can you guess who is speaking? Let me know.

Have a great day.

Mykitchen U has partnered with Simple Not Shallow to create these fun spoken word pieces. And will help begin a series of videos done in the style of conversations around the kitchen table. Where conversations are more laid back and informal. And usually accompanied by much laughter.


Talk with you soon.


If you like what you have seen, and would like some bling... or at least a coffee mug. We have some wonderful drinkware at our store on Click here to go there.


Go here for a picture of some of the mugs we offer.

Thank you so much for your support.

141 SNS: A Christian Portrait

This is a spoken-word piece. I wrote this poem a little while ago because it's so important to remember that while we are forgiven, we are still only human beings.

This is never a reason or an excuse, but it is a fact. Remembering this is part of humility, and this helps us make value judgments without descending into judgmentalness.

Let me know what you think in the comments section. Should I make more videos of this type?

Oh, to learn more about Mykitchen U, visit the Simple Not Shallow website. For now, the home page for Mykitchen U will be located here.

Basically, it is a tribute to conversations around the kitchen table. Where conversations are more laid back and informal. And usually accompanied by much laughter.

Talk with you soon.