In this video, we are going to talk about how God deals with good people. In order, we will explore why this is so important for us to know, if we can even k...
058 SNS: God, Non-Dysfunction, and Faith
Last time we spoke of God not being dysfunctional and by the end of the discussion we noted that we were mainly addressing those who call themselves Christian. How does God respecting our choice to love or not, apply to Christian peoples? That is what we are going to explore here in this video.
057 SNS: God and Non-Dysfunction
Is God dysfunctional? Does he manipulate our emotions to get his way? That is what we are going to explore here in this video. Bible Passages used: Well, it ...
013 SNS: God and the Uniquely Personal
In this video, we will discuss how God interacts with people in very personal and uniquely personal ways. We will conversationally read John 1:35-51 and talk about some connections that helped me see this.