Psalm 66

134 SNS: Psalm 66: Praising God for What?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that of all the things I was expecting to find in a Psalm of praise, the psalmist praises God for something that wasn't even on the radar? It caught me entirely by surprise. Though, it does make perfect sense. He is praising God for refining his faith through a process similar to that which refines silver. Silver has to have the impurities burned out of it in order to be pure, and that fire is very hot. Another way this could be said is that he is praising God for disciplining him and helping him grow in his faith. And yes, doing so through the fiery ordeals of his current situation and pain. I know, right? Yet, this does align with what is said of this discipline in the New Testament. That is simply mind-blowing. Now look....

Ahhh, let’s first watch this psalm. Then if you want to hear more, follow the link below, and we’ll chat about it.

To hear our discussion of this psalm, follow this link to the podcast episode:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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