059 SNS: God Exists, Proof # 2

Back in the video entitled: How Do Know God Is Real?, we talked about one of the ways I know that God is real. In that episode, we mentioned that we are not looking at physical evidence, rather we were looking for relational proofs; since God is a relational God. Would you be interested in knowing that there is another proof? One that Jesus reveals in the Bible? That is what we are going to explore here in this video.

058 SNS: God, Non-Dysfunction, and Faith

Last time we spoke of God not being dysfunctional and by the end of the discussion we noted that we were mainly addressing those who call themselves Christian. How does God respecting our choice to love or not, apply to Christian peoples? That is what we are going to explore here in this video.

056 SNS Learning to Love in Simple Steps?

With all this talk about love, the question arises, "So what can we do in order to love as we should?" I mean, if we could just be given some quick and easy steps... the world would be a better place, right? Here's the rub, we don't all love in the same way.

055 SNS: How Can I Honestly Forgive

Last time we discussed expressing God's love to those who are unlovely. Specifically, the one who cheated me out of money. Time was spent discussing how prayer is one expression of God's love. Yet, how can I honestly ask God to bless the one who cheated me? This makes no sense.

054 SNS: Loving the Unlovely, an Example

Last time we spoke of what love may or may not entail. It has, since then, been on my mind to offer you an example of what loving the unlovable looks like in my own life. Anyway, that is what we are going to explore here in this video.

052 SNS: Breaking the Cycle of Sin

So, the other day I was talking to a friend about how living the Christian life can be a struggle. Particularly in overcoming consistent shortcomings, the sins we try to avoid but end up doing anyway. We began to kick around the question, is there a way to have this cycle broken in a Christian's life?

051 SNS: Who Are the Unlovable?

Last time, I mentioned that the increase in my ability to love the unlovable is a proof that God is real. Who are the first people that come to your mind when you hear the phrase, “the unlovable?” This is what we are going to explore here in this video.

050 SNS: How Do You Know God Is Real?

I was once asked, “How do you know that God is real?” And to be honest with you, that drew me up short, to tell you the truth. I had to pause and think about it. How did I know God was real? That is what we are going to explore here in this video.

049 SNS: Love: The Power to Be All God Wants Us to Be?

This video is about the power needed to be who God wants us to be. First, I'll share some interesting things I found about God's concept of power. And then we will chat about how it is the power to help you be all God wants you to be.

048 SNS: What is the Most Important Thing a Christian Must Do?

This video is about the most important thing a Christian must do. We'll talk about what our relational God says it is and we'll explore why this one thing is so important. My name is Charles Yerkes and I am with simplenotshallow.com. Helping you keep faith in Jesus simple, not shallow.

047 SNS: Predestination, Freewill, or Something More?

Is it predestination, freewill, or something more? Perhaps a combination of both; as found and forged in a relationship with God? That is what we are going to talk about in this video. So, hang on, here we go. My name is Charles, Charles Yerkes. Thank you for joining me.

046 SNS: Are All Religions the Same? Or, Many Religions and a Relational God?

Are all religions the same? That's an interesting question, especially coming from a Christian perspective. After all, this question is most often asked about Christianity. Isn't Christianity the same as every other world religion? That's what we are going to talk about in this video. My name is Charles, Charles Yerkes.

045 SNS: Anxiety and Growing in Christ

Anxiety and growing in Christ. That's what we are going to talk about in this video. For growth brings change and change can bring anxiety with it. This presents an interesting conundrum. One between concern and anxiety. We legitimately need to be concerned about staying in tune with Christ and making sure that what we learn is actually biblical.

044 SNS: Would A Relational God Want Us to be Anxious?

Would a relational God want us to be anxious?Is being anxious helpful in developing a vibrant relationship with him? If not, how can we not be anxious? These are the questions that we are going to talk about in this video. Hang on, here we go.

043 SNS: The Religion a Relational God Desires.

Ever wonder what religion, what religious practices, our relational God would desire, ones he would consider worthwhile, ones he would consider of primary importance? That is what we are going to talk about in this video. Hang on, here we go.

042 SNS: Karma And Reaping what You Sow, are They the Same Thing?

This video is about comparing karma with the Christian teaching of reaping what you sow. And we will see that a more interesting question is: Why would a relational God make use of a teaching that does not lead to a relationship with him? Sounds interesting? Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

040 SNS: If God is so Relational, Why Does He Allow Evil in the World?

In this video, we're going to look at the question, “If God is such a relational God, why does he allow evil in the world?” It's a very good question. In fact, it's such a good question that many people use it as an objection to belief in God. So, I figured is pretty important to talk about.