110 SNS: Psalm 42: How To Have Peace in Midst of Troubles

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that, once again, one of the most amazing things in reading these psalms, is how they speak to me as if written with me in mind? Being at peace even in the exact middle of some rather unpeaceful situations. What an amazing experience. Just how is this done? Well… let’s first hear the psalm shall we.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 42, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm.

I hope you find it to be a blessing. If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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109 SNS: Psalm 41: Certainty in Trying Times

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that it is so easy to read this psalm, number 41, and simply think, “Ok, this is just another cry for help?” Yet…. Yet, by slowing down just a bit and letting this poem sink in; I find this to be a praise of certainty. Yes, even in his trying ordeal, the psalmist stays certain. Certain of his position with God and of God’s love for him. Oh, we could explore that for hours. But rather than that, let’s just watch the psalm, shall we?

This is an original presentation of Psalm 41, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm.

I hope you find it to be a blessing. If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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image of book Psalms 1-72

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108 SNS: Psalm 40: Who Makes the Lemonade?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Ever hear that old saying, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade?” This is what this Psalm brought to mind. Though, in truth, it is more like, “When life gives you lemons, remember who actually is making lemonade.” I know, lemonade and the Bible.... Here's to thinking outside of the box!

This is an original presentation of Psalm 40, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm.

I hope you find it to be a blessing. If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is : https://www.simplenotshallow.com/the-sns-podcast/068

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

image of book, Psalm 1-72

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107 SNS: Psalm 39: The Emptiness of Life without God's Forgiveness

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you. Can I just say that I find this psalm to be most interesting, most interesting indeed? Ever think it best not to say anything about something only to have the matter consume your attention, to burn within so to speak? When it moves to the forefront of your mind and will not let you go? Well, in this psalm David starts out by telling us about one such of his experiences. He begins by saying that he was determined to keep his mouth shut. He was going to take the high road and wasn’t going to be guilty of spouting off at the mouth when he shouldn’t be. And he was successful at doing this for a little while, but it didn’t do him much good at all; for this caused him great pain and he began to burn from the need to speak about it. In short, he was finding life empty and meaningless while the only source of meaningfulness was God.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 39, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm.

I hope you find it to be a blessing. If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

image of book, Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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106 SNS:Psalm 38: Confessing Our Sin Is Worshiping God?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that it never ceases to amaze me how I can be reading a Bible passage I have read many times before and I’ll see something I have never seen before? Like in this episode for instance. I mean, we all know that sin is a bad thing, right? That part of coming to and relating to God is owning up to it. Owning it and asking for forgiveness and then pursuing God on his terms. Yet, in this episode, we get introduced to an idea that… I had not considered it before. This thought, mind you, comes from the Psalms originally being used in worship services. Here it is; the owning of our sin and confessing it and its consequences, is actually an act of worship. That it not only is what must happen before we can enter into a relationship with God but in the context of that relationship, it is also expressing worship to him. How intriguing is that?

This is an original presentation of Psalm 38, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

image of book, Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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105 SNS:Psalms 37: A Kick in the Rear

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Have you ever been reading along in the Bible and suddenly you find yourself wanting to say something that you normally say to that one good friend who kicks you in the rear-end to get you moving in the right direction? You know, “Shut up.” Well, can I just say that this is what happened to me as I was reading the Psalm for this episode, Psalm 37? This is especially true of verses 1-9. Where it says things like do not be excited or vexed, agitated or envious, and to leave anger and rage behind. And instead, to roll all concern onto God’s shoulders. Yeah, life is going to happen, so focus on God and let him do the heavy lifting. A lesson that is easy to agree with and less easy to fully live out.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 37, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm.

I hope you find it to be a blessing. If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

image of book, Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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104 SNS: Psalms 36: The Source of All Life and Living

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that for this episode, number 64, there was so much to talk about? There is the basis for a compassionate view of the one without God in his life, not of sin or of evil, but of the individual. There are parallels between this psalm, number 36, and Psalm 1, how God’s graciousness is the protection he provides, and many more besides. It was hard to choose just one topic. But here we go, the one we’re going to talk about is God being the source of all life and living. Now, before you go and say, “Thank you, Captain Obvious!” Let’s take a quick listen to this psalm, Psalm 36. Then, I’ll share what occurred to me concerning this. Then, if you still want to thank the good Captain O…. feel free.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 36, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

Image of book, Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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103 SNS: Psalm 35: Knowing Pain AND Praising God

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that this is the hardest Psalm, so far, for me to talk about? I mean, in each Psalm Tuesday episode, I share one thing that I learned or found to be profound. Yet, here in this Psalm, number 35, even after spending hours praying about it and pondering what to say… I was coming up blank. I was left wondering just how did this make it into a worship service, as the Psalms were originally used? I mean, yes, it’s an example of honest communication with God. And yes, it’s an example of the comfort of knowing God wants us to bring all our pain to him. And yet, these seem inadequate here. Because there is so much pain in this one. The psalmist says it's like he is bereft of a child. Hard, but not impossible. For, as the title suggests, I was led into a discovery of something quite profound. Something that speaks of the depths found in relating to and loving God. As always, let’s first hear the Psalm, then on the other side I’ll share what I’ve found.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 35, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

image of Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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102 SNS: Psalm 34: How Do You Know God Is Good?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

In this video, the Psalmist is praising God for his goodness. But how does he know God is good and worthy of praise? Well, the Psalmist states it rather plainly at a little less than halfway through the psalm. He says it’s all about perceiving this through actual experiences with God. Isn’t that rather profound? Perceiving through and understanding based upon actual experience. A beautiful way to build a relationship, don’t you think?

This is an original presentation of Psalm 34, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

Image of Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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101 SNS: Psalm 33: God Vaules People How Much?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Have you ever been reading the Bible, and then all of the sudden have something simply jump off the page at you? Something that just demands your attention? This is what happened to me during the preparation for this particular episode. I was recording Psalm 33, which we’ll hear in just a moment, and all of the sudden, this one phrase in the very middle of the Psalm, well, approximately the middle of the Psalm, all of the sudden lept out calling attention to itself. It seemed to be telling us just how much God does love and value his People. And as I thought about this phrase, it seemed to open up some insight into a prayer Jesus made on our behalf in John 17.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 33, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

Image Psalms 1-72

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100 SNS: Psalm 32: The Joy of Being Forgiven

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

In this psalm, the Psalmist speaks of being protected, delivered, and surrounded with protective shields. I know, what’s new from the Psalms, right? This is what is new. This time, he is speaking in reference to himself. Yes, himself. Specifically, about the evil found within him. His obstinate refusal to admit his sins and ask forgiveness for them was the source of his torment from which he needed deliverance. He compares his situation to cream that has soured and curdled in the heat of the day. Now that is some nastiness. Yet, once he had decided to admit all to God and ask forgiveness, things changed. Joy and peace were his. Indeed, they became what shielded him from his torments. What an amazing thought. Have you ever contemplated the joy and protective nature of forgiveness?

This is an original presentation of Psalm 32, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

Image of Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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099 SNS: Psalm 31: To Trust Is To Ask

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you. This is an original presentation of Psalm 31, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing. In this Psalm, the Psalmist shares something profound. He shares that trusting God involves doing so even when your emotions have turned you upside-down. It involves telling God you know he is in control and that he has your back, and, at the same time, telling him that everything is not good. That, as things stand, they are depressing and a source of great grief. And asking him to change the situation, to rescue you from these sources of pain. In other words, it involves knowing that you are secure even while you are feeling anything but. If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

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098 SNS:Psalm 30: When God's Blessings Get in the Way

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 30, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

In this Psalm, we get a look at an all-too-human trait. Our need to be delivered from ourselves. We have a tendency to make the blessings of God a substitute for God. When this happens, we have placed the good things God gives in the way of our relationship with God. And in this psalm, in which the Psalmist is thanking God, he praises God for also delivering him from himself.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

image of Psalms 1-72

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097 SNS: Psalm 29: Noticing Holy Splendor in Nature

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 29, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

Image of Psalms 1-72

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096 SNS: Psalms 28: How to Pray

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 28, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

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095 SNS:Psalm 27: How To Not Be Afraid

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 27, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

Image Psalms 1-72

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094 SNS: Psalm 26: Praising God Is to Draw Closer to Him

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 26, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

Image of the book,  Psalms 1-72

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093 SNS: Psalm 25: What Grace Allows.

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 25, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

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092 SNS: Psalm 24: Who Can Stand Before the King and Creator?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 24, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book: click the image below.

Image of the book, Psalms 1-72

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091 SNS: Psalm 23: The Abundant Life, Gritty and Real

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 23, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm. I hope you find it to be a blessing.

If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here :

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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