Psalm 37

138 SNS: Psalm 70: Pain, Sorrow, and Worship?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that I never considered pain and sorrow to be a part of a worship service before? Yet, here, the psalmist is very honest about his pain, sorrow, and despair, and still, this Psalm is contained in the prayer book of the Bible. Now, let’s keep perspective, the pain and sorrow are not being celebrated but the Psalmist’s response to them is a profound act of faith and worship. Now, well….

Let’s first watch this psalm. Then if you want to hear more, follow the link below, and we’ll chat about it.

To hear our discussion of this psalm, follow this link to the podcast episode:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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image of book Psalm 1-72

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105 SNS:Psalms 37: A Kick in the Rear

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Have you ever been reading along in the Bible and suddenly you find yourself wanting to say something that you normally say to that one good friend who kicks you in the rear-end to get you moving in the right direction? You know, “Shut up.” Well, can I just say that this is what happened to me as I was reading the Psalm for this episode, Psalm 37? This is especially true of verses 1-9. Where it says things like do not be excited or vexed, agitated or envious, and to leave anger and rage behind. And instead, to roll all concern onto God’s shoulders. Yeah, life is going to happen, so focus on God and let him do the heavy lifting. A lesson that is easy to agree with and less easy to fully live out.

This is an original presentation of Psalm 37, as heard in our podcast. The title comes from our podcast, where we chat about this aspect of this psalm. Here we simply hear the psalm.

I hope you find it to be a blessing. If you would like to hear the discussion of this psalm, the link to the podcast episode is here:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

To learn more about this book:

image of book, Psalms 1-72

Click here to learn more about our book.

It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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