138 SNS: Psalm 70: Pain, Sorrow, and Worship?

To help you hear the prayerfulness of the Psalms, here is a Monday Morning Psalm just for you.

Can I just say that I never considered pain and sorrow to be a part of a worship service before? Yet, here, the psalmist is very honest about his pain, sorrow, and despair, and still, this Psalm is contained in the prayer book of the Bible. Now, let’s keep perspective, the pain and sorrow are not being celebrated but the Psalmist’s response to them is a profound act of faith and worship. Now, well….

Let’s first watch this psalm. Then if you want to hear more, follow the link below, and we’ll chat about it.

To hear our discussion of this psalm, follow this link to the podcast episode:

Narrated by: Charles Yerkes

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