SNS 109: What is Christianity?

In this episode, we are going to consider the question, what is Christianity? Or to phrase it another way, what does it mean to be a Christian?

I mean, the goal here is to view every topic discussed through the lens of what it means to be a Christian. We should probably discuss what it means to be a Christian. Right? 

Here’s what I have found while looking through the Bible. Christianity is following Jesus. Now, before you say, “Gee, Captain Obvious, can you be any more obvious?
Why yes, yes I can. But follow me for just a second as I add a little more depth to this obvious statement.

It is a Relationship:
 Revelation 3:20 ~ I stand at the door and knock, if anyone opens the door, I will come in. I will dine with him and he with me. (The relationship begins. Doesn’t say, learn from me or do these things for me and I will dine [spend time] with you. Just open the door).
 Ephesians 5:1 ~ we are called beloved children.
 1 John 4:7-21 ~ Those who do not love (love is always relational) do not even know God. (So the relationship must first be established before all else).
 Matthew 22:34-40 ~ The greatest commands are to love. (Relationship is a must.)

Involves Studentship (Discipleship):
 Matthew 11:29 ~ Take my yoke upon you and LEARN from me. (The relationship means to be learning.)
 Matthew 28:19 ~ Tells us to go make Disciples, not converts. We are to be teachers and trainers; this implies the studentship that is part of the relationship. Yes, this is a very brief look at the Great Commission, and I do not mean to remove any other aspect from it. But I am simply highlighting the studentship aspect that is integral to it.
 John 15:15 ~ Jesus calls us friends because we know (have learned) what he has taught and made known to us.

Involves Doing, the Religion aspect:
 James 2:17 ~ Faith without works is dead. It is not faith at all. A loving relationship that does nothing is not a loving relationship at all.
 James 1:27 ~ Religion is a way of life, not mere church-time worship.
 John 15:10 ~ Doing results from abiding in love (actively pursuing a relationship with God). If you abide, you keep the commands. Interesting that the command then given (v.12) is to love each other as he loves us.

Examples of studentship and doing religion without a relationship:
 John 5:39 ~ Pharisees and Scribes pore over scriptures and miss out on Jesus.
 Luke 11:42; Matthew 23:23 ~ Doing religious things but neglecting what is really important.
 1 Corinthians 13 ~ This chapter shows the true value of trying to study and do things without love. Without a relationship to Jesus, they are worthless.

Can you love without doing?
 James 2:14-25 ~ No.

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