SNS 113: When God Seems Distant

In this episode, we will do this by delving into the common experience of feeling that God has withdrawn from us as Christians. Many of us have encountered this feeling where he seems so distant, though there was a time when we felt so close to him. What’s up with that?

In looking into this, I came up with two suggestions. I know there may be more, and please leave others in the comments section for me.

Scripture Reference:
Romans 8:11 ~ God makes his home in us.
Hebrews 13:5 ~ God promises he will never leave or forsake us.
Psalm 22 ~ King David feeling that God was distant.
Psalm 44 ~ Son of Korah, the Psalmist, feels God is distant.
1 Kings 19 ~ Elijah feels God is distant.
Matthew 27:46 ~ Jesus feels God the Father is distant.
Isaiah 59:2 ~  Our sin hides God from us.
Luke 9:1-6; 10:1-11; Mark 6:7-12 ~ Jesus "letting go of the disciple's hands" and sending them out two by two.
Matthew 10 ~ A third mention of Jesus "letting go of the disciple's hands."

Other interesting videos on this.

1. Reformed Theological Seminary
2. Capturing Christianity:

3. HTBB Church

4. Tim Keller

Here are some links to:
My favorite YouTube apologist: Mike Winger

My favorite online church service: Alistair Begg

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