get it wrong

SNS 078: When Do Religious People Get It Wrong? Psalm 50

Can I just say, I think one of the saddest things that will ever happen is when a very religious person, one who is absolutely sure he is dotting all the i’s and crossing all the t’s, doing everything he thinks needs to be done, actually meets Jesus and have him say, “You are, who? I don’t know you, goodbye.” (A paraphrase of Matthew 7:21-23 and 25:41-45 and I’ll reference a couple of other verses which speak of this, in the description of the episode). And this, mind you, is addressed to the very religious, the religious who got it wrong. You may be thinking, and this Psalm warns about this. It…. Well, before going there, let’s hear this psalm first, shall we? Then we can chat. Also, I can officially say that this podcast is now sponsored by our book, Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation. It is the collection of the Psalms, as heard here on the Psalm Tuesday episodes. It is available wherever fine books are sold; I’ll share more about this at the end of this episode. 

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is a series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. This episode is #78 When the Religious Get It Wrong. The Psalm for this episode is Psalm 50. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started. 

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Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 50

Matthew 7:21-23; 25:41-45 ~ Jesus saying, I never knew you.
John 5:39 ~ Pouring over Scripture to learn and still get it wrong.
Luke 11:37-52 ~ The very religious doing the religion very well but missing the more important things.  

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Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

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