This is the problem with only looking out for number one. It is a diminished existence and not true living. #simplenotshallow#thelifeabundant #tolove#abundantlife
132 SNS Meme: To Love or To Not, That Is the Choice
There is a reason it is the greatest command ever given. Choose to love, choose to live. #simplenotshallow #choosetolove #choosetolive
131 SNS Meme: Ask, Learn, Live
To always ask but never learn is a very shallow way to live. Learn to grow deep and live free. Have a beautiful day. #simplenotshallow #asklearnlive #tolearnistolive
130 SNS Meme: See What Is Really There
Learn to see below the abuse of a teaching and discover what is really there. Have a wonderful and blessed day! #simplenotshallow #seewhatisreallythere #discoverwhatsthere
129 SNS Meme: The Need To Be Consistent
Consistency speaks of a dedicated life. Blind dogmatism doesn’t know that which it claims dedication to. #simplenotshallow #consistency #notblinddogmatism
128 SNS Meme: Focus On the One
Focus and perspective are so important. Praying you are able to keep yours where it needs to be. Have a great day. #simplenotshallow #keepfocus #focusontheone
127 SNS Meme: God Knows You
To be fully known and fully loved. An amazing thing. Have a beautiful day. #simplenotshallow #psalm6 #tobeknown #tobeknownandloved #behonest
126 SNS Meme: Personal Choices and Fairness
It is wonderful to have a fair and merciful God. Would not want the fairness without the mercy. Have a beautiful day. #fairnessofgod #godsfairness #psalm7 #simplenotshallow #godsmercy #personalchoices #personalconsequences
125 SNS Meme: God's Justice Honors Our Choices
What could be fairer or more loving than to have our choices respected? Have a beautiful day. #simplenotshallow #justiceandrespect #justiceandmercy #honorsourchoices
124 SNS Meme: No Matter What You Do
A sad truth is that no matter how hard you try to get along, someone is going to not like you. So, focus on living the life abundant and loving others. And let that be why folks do not like you. For then, it is truly God they do not like and not yourself. A subtle nuance but an important one. Have a beautiful day. #simplenotshallow #nomatterwhatyoudo #itonlymatters #lovegod
123 SNS Meme: Religion Can Be Good
Religion is always a part of loving God. But it should never be confused for loving God. A subtle but important difference. Have a beautiful day.#simplenotshallow#goodreligion #loveinggod #notenough
122 SNS Meme: The Evil Is not in the Asking
Good morning. Make it a terrific day. #simplenotshallow #askthequestions #embracetheanswers
121 SNS Meme: Christmas Greetings
Merry Christmas eve day. Hope this finds you anticipating the most splendid Christmas ever. #merrychristmas #christmas #simplenotshallow
120 SNS Meme: Christmas Is More Than Packages
If all you celebrate our pretty packages, then you are not truly celebrating Christmas. Just saying. #merrychristmas #christmas #simplenotshallow
119 SNS Meme: Christmas the Celebration
Christmas week is a beautiful time. If we are celebrating the important thing. The birth of a loved one. Of The Loved One. #simplenotshallow #christmas #celebrationofthebirthofchrist
118 SNS Meme: Do What You Can
And then get a good nights sleep. You will have deserved it. #simplenotshallow #dowhatyoucan #asyoucan #thebestyoucan
117 SNS Meme: Christmas, the Best Gift
Merry Christmas! I hope it is the best season ever. Remembering the greatest gift will go along way to making this so. #merrychristmas #simplenotshallow #bestgift #bestgiftever
116 SNS Meme: When Gratitude Becomes Desire
Have a great weekend! #simplenotshallow #gratitude #evilisborn #bettertogive
115 SNS Meme: In the Morning
In the morning. What a beautiful way to start the day. Make it a great one. #psalm5 #psalm #simplenotshallow #inthemorning #watchforgod