This is the problem with only looking out for number one. It is a diminished existence and not true living. #simplenotshallow#thelifeabundant #tolove#abundantlife
128 SNS Meme: Focus On the One
Focus and perspective are so important. Praying you are able to keep yours where it needs to be. Have a great day. #simplenotshallow #keepfocus #focusontheone
126 SNS Meme: Personal Choices and Fairness
It is wonderful to have a fair and merciful God. Would not want the fairness without the mercy. Have a beautiful day. #fairnessofgod #godsfairness #psalm7 #simplenotshallow #godsmercy #personalchoices #personalconsequences
123 SNS Meme: Religion Can Be Good
Religion is always a part of loving God. But it should never be confused for loving God. A subtle but important difference. Have a beautiful day.#simplenotshallow#goodreligion #loveinggod #notenough
114 SNS Meme: Love Seeks Understanding
112 SNS Meme: To Truly Receive a Blessing
Always receive in order to give. Simple to say. Hard to do. Very rewarding. It is the way of the life abundant. #simplenotshallow #beablessing #receiveandgive #lifeabundant
110 SNS Meme: In Awe
An interesting thought to start your day. Being upset is OK. It’s what you do with it that matters. Make it a great one. #psalm4 #psalm #simplenotshallow #sinnot #inawe #screamaloud
108 SNS Meme: Lord, Be Generous
What an intriguing concept. Asking for a blessing in order that others may see God. Asking that you’re blessing blesses others. That is profound. Are you asking from selfish motives? Or from those that seek to place God first in your life? #godsblessings #psalm4 #psalm #simplenotshallow #godsgenerosity #blessothers
107 SNS Meme: We Can Boldly Ask God
To not merely ask but to boldly ask, that is the gift from God. One that is received as we remember what he has already done and are trusting him enough, to know he will do so again. Relationships are amazing things. #psalm #psalm4 #simplenotshallow #boldlyask #godisgenerous #god
106 SNS Meme: The Life Abundant Involves...
The best things in life really are this simple. But simple, is not simplistic nor does it mean free and easy. But it is that simple. Have a beautiful day. #psalm3 #psalm #simplenotshallow #thelifeabundant #goodnightssleep
105 SNS Meme: Thankfulness Is About You
Go beyond thankful and be grateful. #grateful #thankful #simplenotshallow #thewayoflove
104 SNS Meme: Gratitude Unexpressed
Silence, it’s not always a good thing. #gratitude #simplenotshallow #gratitudeunexpressed
102 SNS Meme: Gratitude Is Part of Love
Love and gratitude, move you beyond yourself. And you must get beyond yourself to know that life abundant. Happy day before Thanksgiving! #gratitude #thelifeabundant #loveandgratitude #simplenotshallow
101 SNS Meme: Love Is Grateful
Gratitude, like love, must involve others. Or it is not truly gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving week. #gratitude #grateful #simplenotshallow #loveexpressed
100 SNS Meme: Real Trust in Actual Adversity
I know, I know. Easy to agree to. But do you own it? Is this your experience in every day life? It can be. #simplenotshallow #psalm#psalm3 #trustinadversity
099 SNS Meme: To Knowingly Trust
We trust based on what we know. As we learn more, trust grows. #simplenotshallow #psalm3 #psalm #trustgod #knowinglytrust #totrust
097 SNS Meme: Love Warns
A love that does not warn of dangers ahead… is no love at all. #simplenotshallow #lovewarns #psalm1 #psalm2 #psalm #warnsthelovedone
096 SNS Meme: The Way of Love
Love informs. What do you think the Bible is for? Become informed. #simplenotshallow #wayoflove #becomeinformed #thewayoftheinformed #psalm #psalm1 #psalm2
095 SNS Meme: Abiding Is the Way of Blessing
To abide… so simple and yet one of the most challenging things you will ever do. Let the challenge begin. #simplenotshallow #psalm #psalm1 #abideinchrist #wayofblessing
094 SNS Meme: The Way of Blessing
To be happy and blessed is to abide. Who knew the Psalms contained such cool thoughts? Hope you’re having a great day. #psalm1 #abideinchrist #simplenotshallow #thewayofblessing