Love... It's More Than A Feeling.
052 SNS Meme: To Love; Learning How
Since to love is found in both the first and second great Commandments, living from love is not an option. So... We really should learn how.
051 Meme: God's Justice
050 SNS Meme: Pure Religion
Mere religion is not the same as pure religion.
049 SNS Meme: Love is Staying True
048 SNS Meme: Love is Selfless
There is always more to selfless love than meets the eye.
047 SNS Meme: It's About Restoration
Forgiveness runs deeper than merely letting go.
046 SNS Meme: Asking is Owning
045 SNS Meme: Asking for Forgiveness is not...
044 SNS Meme: Ours is to Master Living
Living requires relating. Doing, is simply performing a function.
043 SNS Meme: Be Bold not Brazen
042 SNS Meme: Asking for Forgiveness
Nor is it asking for a pass. It is asking for mercy. A big difference.
041 SNS Meme: Forgiveness
An honest expression of sorrow from a desire to rebuild a relationship... is more eloquent than all the formulaic prayers ever said.
040 SNS Meme: The Final Destination
039 SNS Meme: Reading the Bible
038 SNS Meme: Fake It Until You Make It = Hypocrisy
Words matter. Word choice is so important. The right words lead to growth. The wrong words can leave you empty inside. After all, one does not fake it when trying to run a race; one trains for it.