John Videos 8-14

032 SNS Video: If Religion Cannot? What Can?

If religion can't guarantee insight into who Jesus is, what can? In this video, we will explore this through the story of the nobleman from Capernaum. We will do this first, by conversationally reading his story in John 4:46-54 and then by briefly touching on 3 nuances that I heard in this story; ones that have helped this passage come alive to me.

030 SNS Video: Does Religion Guarantee Insight?

Religion is important but, does religion guarantee insight into Jesus? In this video, we will explore this, first, by conversationally reading the John 4:43-48 and then by briefly touching on 2 nuances that I heard that that helped this passage come alive to me. Buckle up, here we go.

021 SNS Video: The Old Found in the New?

Old Testament teaching finds both expression and illustration in the New Testament? In this video, we will explore this question. First, by conversationally reading John 3:22-36 and then touching on 2 things that not only give expression to a teaching found in Psalm 1 but also give it a living illustration. Buckle up, here go.

019 SNS Video: Jesus Came... Even for the Religious?

Jesus came… even for the religious? Sound like a strange question? In this video, we are going to take a look at what John 3:1-21 says about this question. First by conversationally reading this passage and then by discussing the 4 nuances I have found that have helped me find the answer. Buckle up cause here we go.