Psalm 1

069 SNS: Psalm 1, The Secret To an Abundant Life

This is a presentation of Psalm 1, one which remains true to the time-honored meaning found in this Psalm. It is also a presentation that is both scholarly in its translation and poetic in its editing. This reveals nuances that lead to deeper understandings and a greater appreciation of the meaning contained. It is hoped that this will inspire growth in your relationship with God.

This reading comes from our book, entitled: Psalm 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation.

The title is from our podcast where we chat about 1 aspect of each psalm.

The episode we chat about this psalm is here.

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035 SNS Video: What Does it Mean to be a Christian and Why is that Important?

This video is about What does it mean to be a Christian? And why is that important? We must know this before we can ask any meaningful questions, get any meaningful answers, or have any worthwhile discussions. This is the key to it all. Please, let me know if this connected with you in any way.

021 SNS Video: The Old Found in the New?

Old Testament teaching finds both expression and illustration in the New Testament? In this video, we will explore this question. First, by conversationally reading John 3:22-36 and then touching on 2 things that not only give expression to a teaching found in Psalm 1 but also give it a living illustration. Buckle up, here go.