studied interpretation

031 SNS Video: Living in Hope not Despair

In a world in which so much is wrong, can we live in hope instead of despair? Would it surprise you that, over two thousand years ago, David wrote a poem about this very topic? One in which he says we can? In this video we will explore this, first by reading the Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 11 and then by sharing 4 things that impressed me in this reading.

029 SNS Video: Can a Christian Question God?

Can a Christian question God? Would it surprise you that David, the man after God’s own heart, wrote a poem in which he questions God? I know, right? In this video, we will explore this, first, by conversationally reading the Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 10. 

025 SNS Video: Psalm 9: The Reading

In this video, we will be reading the Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 9, in a conversational manner. This is an excerpt from the video where I discussed some of the nuances I heard in this reading. Well, let’s kick back and listen to what this passage has to say.

024 SNS Video: God is Loyal to Those He Judges?

Is God being loyal to those he judges? That is an intriguing concept. Loyalty and judgment pronounced. These are not normally thought of as being on the same side; are they? Yet… what if they are? In this video, we will consider this question in light of Psalm 9.


016 SNS Video: Earning the Mercy of God?

Can you earn God's mercy? In this video, we will discuss what David found to be true as we conversationally read Psalm 6. A hint, it may have something to do with the character of God. oops, spoilers...