Psalm Videos 8-14

033 SNS Video: Knowing Jesus Through Contrasts.

In this video, we will get to know Jesus a little better through a contrast made; one between him and wicked folks as found in Psalm 12. And at the end of this video, we will have 1 ‘what if’ and a list of 5 New Testament passages, that you can combine with Psalm 12 to make your next devotion time quite revealing. Buckle up, here we go.

031 SNS Video: Living in Hope not Despair

In a world in which so much is wrong, can we live in hope instead of despair? Would it surprise you that, over two thousand years ago, David wrote a poem about this very topic? One in which he says we can? In this video we will explore this, first by reading the Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 11 and then by sharing 4 things that impressed me in this reading.

029 SNS Video: Can a Christian Question God?

Can a Christian question God? Would it surprise you that David, the man after God’s own heart, wrote a poem in which he questions God? I know, right? In this video, we will explore this, first, by conversationally reading the Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 10. 

024 SNS Video: God is Loyal to Those He Judges?

Is God being loyal to those he judges? That is an intriguing concept. Loyalty and judgment pronounced. These are not normally thought of as being on the same side; are they? Yet… what if they are? In this video, we will consider this question in light of Psalm 9.


020 SNS Video: How Insignificant are We?

How insignificant are we? Do we have any worth at all? If we listen to some people today, we are completely insignificant; so much so that there is no meaning in life whatsoever. Yet is this so? In this video, we will consider this question in light of what Psalm 8 by briefly discussing 4 nuances I heard here. Brace yourself, cause here go.