
SNS 105: Christ, the Narrow, the Difficult, and the Abundant Life?

These episodes are posted every two weeks. They are posted on Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m.

Enjoy and do let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you.

 Christ, the Narrow Gate, the Difficult Way, and Abundant Life


The other day, I was speaking with Old Man Tom. Old Man Tom, that’s what everybody calls him anyway. Nobody really knows why. Personally, I think it’s because he’s older than dirt. But whatever the reason, he is a very sage individual, having more common sense than a drug store has pills.

Anyway, on that particular day, the first thing he said was, “Charles, I’ve had an epiphany about how I clean house.”

“An epiphany about cleaning house?”

“Oh yeah. It comes from the saying, “From dust you came, and to dust, you will return.”

“I’m familiar with the saying, but what has this to do with cleaning your house?”

“Well, this is why I don’t dust. It might be someone I know.”

I laughed at that one.

 I said, “I got to give you credit for that one, Tom. That was actually a good one. Care for some coffee?”

He said, “Yes, please. Then I’ll have a question for you.”

How did I know? “Ok,” I said, “what’s the question?”

“As the wise philosopher once said, ‘Coffee first, questions second.’”

“Don’t know who this wise… person is, but I’ll second that. Coffee first, then we talk. Come on in, and I’ll put some on. So, what’s the question we’re going to talk about?”

“Jesus said that narrow is the gate and restricted is the way that leads to life (Matthew 7:13-14). He also said that he came to give an abundance of life to those who believe in him (John 10:10). My question is, how does this work? How can the narrow gate and the restricted, difficult path lead to an abundance of life?”

“French Roast.”


“French Roast - this is definitely a French Roast type of question. And believe it or not, this will be my first coffee of the day.”

“First of the day? Well then,” he said with a smile, “it is fortunate for you that I came by with my epiphany, is it not?”

Sometimes, it’s best to remain silent and just make the coffee, which is what I did.

Now, as Old Man Tom is waiting for the coffee to brew, my name is indeed Charles, and this is the Coffee-side Chat series here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This podcast is for those who want a deeper faith, not an aggressively mediocre one. This series is a collection of stories conveying real things about the Christian faith and about loving God. Now communicating real things about the Christian faith does mean that Scripture will be referenced, from time to time, in these stories. Honestly, how could it not? But rather than breaking up the flow of the story with chapter and verse listings, I will list them where they occur in the transcript of this story, which will be posted in the show notes for this episode. That way, you can check out all the references for yourself. Also, and this is very important, it should be noted that these stories are being enjoyed while I’m nursing this here cup of coffee sitting on the table right beside me. This is, after all, a coffee-side chat.

Also, before we delve into this, I do want to mention our sponsor, our book: Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation. It is a presentation of the first 72 Psalms that is true to the Scripture and allows the poetry to be poetry. It is a beautiful read and it’s easy to read, revealing the prayerfulness in the Psalms. Now, don’t worry because I like you so very much that I’ve provided a couple of links for you in the show notes for this episode, just for your convenience. So, go ahead, tell our sponsor that you like this podcast, and collect your copy today.

Ok, grab yourself some coffee, for it’s time to begin this story, this conversation with Old Man Tom.

            Once the coffee was ready, and we were seated at the kitchen table, I said, “All right, Tom, I have my coffee; let’s talk. How do the narrow and the difficult lead us into abundance? For if I know you, you already have the answer, do you not?”

While looking over the rim of his coffee cup, he grinned. Right there, I knew that things were going to get interesting. He said, “Well, to begin with… this coffee is very good. Anyway, to begin with, do you know where we are taught about the narrow gate and the difficult way?”

“Uhhhhhh…. Somewhere in the New Testament, right? In the gospels, something Jesus says, I believe?”

“Good, good guess. But do you know where specifically?”

“Sure I do…. Maybe…. Ok, not really.” Now I know that is not my most eloquent response ever, but in my defense, this was my first cup of coffee.

“It’s from the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:13-14).”

And I said, “Oh yeah, Sermon on the Mount.” Did I mention that this is my first cup of coffee?

Not suppressing a smile, he said, “Anyway… the other day, this was the passage in my daily devotional. And as I was reading it, my mind went back to our last couple of conversations, and about how Jesus said that he came to bring us an abundance of life. This is where my question came from. For how can those means which seem to be the exact opposite of the desired end be the things which bring about that end?”

“Yo, Tom, first cup.”

“Oh, sorry. Well, as I pondered this, I stumbled onto a passage (John 10:9) where Jesus says he is the gate we must use to enter into this abundance. Isn’t that intriguing?”

“Sure, it’s intriguing, but how does that even begin to…?”

Before I could finish my question, he raised his hand and said, “Patience, grasshopper. Sip on your coffee, and I will explain.”

“Patience, grasshopper…? Have you been watching those Kung Fu reruns again?”

“Yeah, how did you know?”

“Lucky guess.”

He smiled real big and continued, “Now, if Jesus is the gateway we must enter, then the Sermon on the Mount must be about more than just a set of good moral teachings for us to aspire to, right? Because the narrow gate in that sermon is now a person, Jesus himself. And while a person can be moral, he can never be a moral teaching.”

“And that means…?”

“This means that the narrow gate and the difficult way cannot be merely about keeping a set of moral teachings, no matter how good they are.”

I must have looked more than a little puzzled at this point, for he said, “Now…. Yes, the Sermon on the Mount contains moral teachings, and yes, we are to put these into practice. Yet, even as true as this is, there must be something else lying under the surface of those teachings. Something else that goes hand in hand with all the rest.”

“Tom,” I said, “meaning no disrespect, sir, but all this is about as clear as the coffee in my cup. Which, as you know, is black as pitch.”

He nodded and said, “What I’m trying to say is this. There is something here we must not neglect if we are to make any sense of the narrow entrance and difficult way being the way of having abundance.

“Do you remember our conversation a while back about how Christianity is about living a whole life from our whole life? That it is about loving God with our entire being and our neighbors as ourselves?”

“I remember.”



“If we are to love with our entire being, doesn’t that sound like we are to be in a relationship with God?”

“So, could not the difficult way, and as Jesus refers to himself as the gateway to this path, simply be referring to a relationship with himself being the only way to this abundance?”

My face must have registered the fact that the light was beginning to break through my mental mist. For he said, “Yes, the narrow gate and difficult way are Jesus and a relationship with him. And it is this relationship that leads to an abundance of life. That is how they go together.”

“Whoa.” That was as eloquent as I could be.

A glint now showed in Tom’s eyes as he saw that mist of mine was indeed slowly burning away. He said, “Whoa, indeed. And relationships, by definition, are somewhat limiting. Are they not? Think about your closest friend, your closest relationship. There are certain limitations you must place on yourself in order to maintain and grow it, are there not? I mean, you know what to do to build that friendship, to help it grow stronger. Right?

“The opposite is also true. You know what buttons to push, what to do to make that person angry. And you know that if you persist in this, you will drive the other person away. And all your relationships are the same. Your relationship with God is exactly the same. You can draw closer to him or push him away.

And all the relationships you have require hard work if they are to be all they can be. They just do. Yet it is precisely doing the hard work that allows those relationships to be one of the most rewarding things on earth. To become more valued and cherished than any other thing we know. So too, with God; for that relationship to be the most freeing, rewarding, and abundance-of-life-giving relationship it can be, you will have to work hard to develop it. You will have to choose the way that limits your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors to those which grow the relationship. And this does involve deciding to stay away from those that harm it.”

Sometimes, the most eloquent thing to do is remain silent. So I cocked an eyebrow, raised my coffee to my mouth, and… remained eloquent.

And believe it or not, it is at this point that things began to get interesting. For he said, “This also opens up another teaching from Jesus. The one where he says that if you try to save yourself, you’ll lose yourself. But if you lose yourself for his sake, you will genuinely find yourself (Matthew 16:25). You will be all that you can be if you choose the limitation of a relationship with him. In this friendship, much more is gained than is ever missed out on.”

That caused me to slowly lower my coffee cup to the table as I contemplated it.

“Ohhh,” he said, “and what I say next is really going to blow your mind. To not seek this narrow way, but rather to choose to walk upon the other pathway, the broad and easy one mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 7:13-14), is actually to choose to travel upon the pathway of limitation. For then, you limit yourself from ever experiencing the abundance of life that a relationship with God brings. Yeah, take your time with that one.”

This would take me some time to process: a good bit of time and much more coffee. And always being the astute observer of the human condition, Old Tom saw this and graciously brought this conversation to a close. Saying that, he hoped I wouldn’t mind if we stopped here, but he should probably get moving. He had a couple of errands to run before keeping an appointment downtown. He thanked me for the conversation and the coffee, saying that both were always excellent at my place. A gracious friend is Old Tom. Then, with a wave of his hand, he was off and on his errands. And I… I was putting more coffee water on. 

Anyway. What do you think? If you don’t mind, let me know all about it in the comments section for this episode. Click on the link provided in the show notes for this episode. Copy and paste it if you need to. And once on this episode’s home page, scroll down, and you will find that comment box and can share away.  Thank you for doing so. Also, please rate this episode and subscribe to this podcast through the podcast service of your choice. Stitcher, Spotify, Apple podcasts, iheartradio, tune in, google podcasts, or whichever you prefer.

Well, until next time then. May you find the abundance of life, found only by entering the narrow gate and walking the difficult way of a relationship with Jesus.


  Our Book:
Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:  

image of book, Psalms 1-72

Click here to learn more about our book.

It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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SNS 104: Christ and What Sin Is

These episodes are posted every two weeks. They are posted on Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m.

Enjoy and do let me know what you think in the comments. Thank you.

 Christ and What Sin Is


The other day, a good friend of mine stopped by, Old Man Tom. Old Man Tom, that’s what everybody calls him. Though, I genuinely don't know why that is. Whether that is because he’s a wise old soul or, simply put, he’s just older than dirt. I like to think it’s because he’s older than dirt. But whatever the reason, he is a very sage individual, having more common sense than a drug store has pills.

 Anyway, he came by and said, “Good morning, Charles.”

“Morning, Tom.”

“Charles, can I ask you a question?”


“What do you think sin is? I’ll wager that there is more to it than you are thinking.”

I said, “Tom, you do know how early it is, right?”

“I suppose so, and I guess that would make it more than just a bit random. But this is what I’ve been thinking about recently. Anyway, how about a cup of coffee to help you ease into this?

I said, “Yes, yes, indeed. That would certainly help. Well, come on in, Tom. I’ll put some on.”

Now, as Old Tom is waiting for the coffee to brew, my name is indeed Charles, and this here is the Coffee-side Chat series on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This podcast is for those who want a deeper faith, not an aggressively mediocre one. This series is a collection of stories conveying real things about the Christian faith and loving God. And communicating real things about the Christian faith does mean that Scripture will be referenced in these stories. Honestly, how could it not mean that? But rather than breaking up the flow of the story with chapter and verse listings, I will list them where they occur in a transcript of this story, which will be posted in the show notes for this episode. So you can check out all the references for yourself and make sure I did indeed have enough coffee before putting it together. Also, and this, my friend, is of utmost importance; it should be noted that these stories are being enjoyed while I’m nursing this here cup of coffee sitting on the table right beside me. This is, after all, a coffee-side chat.

Also, before delving into this, I do want to mention our sponsor; yes, I am sponsored. This podcast is sponsored; by our book: Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation. It is a presentation of the first 72 Psalms, one that is true to the Psalms and allows the poetry to be poetry. It is beautiful and easy to read, and it does reveal the profound prayerfulness of the Psalms. Now, don’t worry. I like you so very much that I’ve provided a couple of links for you in the show notes for this episode, just for your convenience. You’re welcome. So, go ahead, tell our sponsor that you like this podcast, and collect your copy today.

And for now, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s begin with this story, this conversation with Old Man Tom.

Once the coffee was in hand, Tom said to me, “So, last time we spoke, we talked about how God’s thoughts are different from ours (Isaiah 55:8, 9). Did we not?”

“Yeah, I remember. Is that the source of your question today?”

“Well, this is fairly interesting as this relates to sin, don’t you think?”

“Tom, I’ve not really thought about it before, to be completely truthful about it.”

“Well, then, a good place to begin, then, is what we think sin is. So, what do you think sin is?”

Tom is nothing if not persistent; I’ll give him that. I said, “Ok, well, I know it is about breaking one of the ten commandments or doing one of the things on those lists in the New Testament (Romans 1:22-32;1 Corinthians 6:9, 10; 2 Corinthians 12:20, 21; Colossians 3:5-10; Titus 3:3), right? You know. Don’t murder, lie, steal, slander, cheat, or that type of thing.”

He said, “That is a good start. But what else is there?”

 “What else? Tom, that’s all I know.”

He said, “Come on, see if you can come up with anything else.”

“Ok, what else? I don’t know. Doing bad things… in general?”

He smiled bigger, shook his head, and said something… a little strange. He said, “We’ve been talking about the two greatest commandments (Matthew 22:37-40; Mark 12:30, 33; Luke 10:27), have we not?”

Ok, that wasn’t the strange part; here is what was a little weird; he said, “What do they tell us sin is?” And with that, he was smiling ear to ear.

Now, I tend to think that I’m a pretty sharp guy, one who has at least three or four of his ducks in a row, but right then, I was, coming up short. So I asked him to hold on while I looked up the passages about those commands (Matthew 22:37-40; Mark 12:30, 33; Luke 10:27). I turned to Matthew and began reading. It said to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and to love your neighbor as yourself.  But I didn’t see anything about sin there, so I examined two other passages where these commands are mentioned—the first in Mark and the second in Luke. Except for adding the words “with all your strength” to how we are to love God, I didn’t find much of a difference. I didn’t see anything about sin. So I said, “Tom, I don’t see nothing?”

“You don’t see nothing? Charles, I’m so disappointed in you.”

“I’m sorry, Tom. But…”

He then stopped me before I could say anything else, put his hand on my shoulder, and said, “Charles. That, sir, is the worst grammar I’ve heard in a long, long time.”

He then laughed at his own joke. And I, what could I say, he was right. Not my most eloquent moment.

 He then said, “But, honestly? After all our conversations, you don’t see anything?”

I said, “Tom, I may not be the brightest bulb in the shed, but I’m also not the dimmest, I don’t think. But I do have to say that I’m not hearing anything God may be saying about sin.”

“Fair enough. Let me take you on a little journey and see if that doesn’t help to brighten things up for you.”

Brighten things up for me…. All I could say was, “Gee. Thanks.”

Anyway. He says, “What did Jesus come to do, abolish or fulfill the Law and the Prophets?”

I said, “To fulfill them (Matthew 5:17). But I don’t see how that question helps reveal what God may be saying about sin.”

“I understand, but follow me for a second. So, Jesus did not come to cancel the Bible. Nor to change or throw out some parts while adding in others. Rather, he came to bring a fullness, a depth of revealed meaning to the Bible. To show the underlying, deeper connection that runs throughout it. With this in mind, read the account in Matthew once more; this time, including the very next verse.”

“All right,” says I, and I read, “love God with all heart, mind, and soul, and the second, love your neighbor as yourself. And the next verse says, all the law and prophets are based on these two commands (Matthew 22:37-40). Having read this, I looked up and Tom and said, “And…?”

He replied, “And… all the law and prophets, all teaching in Scripture, is based on them. You still don’t see it? Well, if all the commands and teachings, including those which teach us what sin is, the Ten Commandments, and all the others, are indeed based on the two greatest commands, then sin is that which does not come from loving God and our neighbor. Isn’t that profoundly interesting?”

I may have looked befuddled at this point, so he continued. “Would it surprise you that Scripture tells us why all other teachings are based on the two greatest commands (Matthew 22:40; Romans 13:8-10; Galatians 5:14)? Oh, it does. Let me share with you what one of those passages is and have you look it up and read it for me. It is Romans 13:8-10.”

I said, “All right.” Here is what I read, “Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. For the commandments, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not murder, you shall not steal, you shall not give false witness, you shall not covet, and whatever other commandments there are, are all summed up in this saying, namely, you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Love doesn’t harm a neighbor. Love, therefore, is the fulfillment of the law.”

When I looked up from reading, Tom said, “We know that Jesus came to fulfill the law, and we just heard that love fulfills the law… isn’t that intriguing? But, more to the point, have you begun to see what God includes in his understanding of sin? Ahhh, the light is beginning to dawn.”

People have always said that I have a very expressive face. Anyway, he was right. At least, I thought I was beginning to understand. I offered up this thought, “To not love is a sin.”

And the most genuine smile began to spread across his face, “Yes. Yes indeed. And here are a couple more things for you to consider as you work through this. Jesus speaks of this right after saying he came to fulfill the Law and Prophets. For, just after that, he says that if we stay angry with a brother, we are as guilty of sin as if we killed him (Matthew 5: 21, 22), and if we look lustfully at another person, we are as guilty of the sin as if we had done the deed (Matthew 5:27). Staying angry, nursing a grudge, and entertaining lustful thoughts about someone are not things done from love. Oh, and wait until you hear what’s next. This is really going to blow your mind.

“John tells us that the one who does not love his neighbor does not even know God (1 John 2:4-11; 4:7, 8; 12-21). Now, here’s a question. How can we have faith in a God we do not know? We can’t. How does this tie in? Well, God, speaking through Paul in Romans (14:23), says something that ties this all together. Here, we are told that everything that does not come from faith is a sin. Since we must love to have faith in God, if we do not love, then everything we do is a sin.”

Once again, my eloquence overtook me, and I sat quietly, simply nodding my head as I stared into my coffee cup, thinking about all that had just been said. This was going to take more than a moment or two to process. And thankfully, as I’ve mentioned before, Old Tom, among many things, is an astute observer of the human condition. And seeing that I was going to need more than a moment or two to process all this, he graciously and gently smiled and asked if I wouldn’t mind if we continued this at a later date. For at the moment, he was almost late for a dinner date with his daughter, and that would not do. I said, “Yes, yes, of course. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great dinner. Tell your daughter I said hello.”

He said, “Thank you, I will.”

And with that, he headed out the door and off to dinner. And I… I headed back to the stove to put more water on for another French Press. The French Press makes the best pot of coffee.

Anyway. What do you think about all this? If you don’t mind, let me know all about it in the comments section for this episode. Click on the link provided in the show notes for this episode. Copy and paste it if you need to. And once on this episode’s home page, scroll down, and you will find that comment box and can share away.  Thank you for listening and for sharing. Also, please rate this episode and subscribe to this podcast through the podcast service of your choice. Stitcher, Spotify, Apple podcasts Well, until next time then, may you grow brighter in your relationship with Christ, and may your wits never grow dimmer.

, iheartradio, tune in, google podcasts, or whichever you prefer.


 Our Book:
Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation: 

image of book Psalms 1-72

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It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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SNS 081: Who Is the One Who Says, "There Is No God?" Psalm 53

Can I just say, that this psalm seems to have many layers to it? Specifically speaking, the phrase, “Those who say, there is no God,” can apply to 2 different sets of folks. The first is a straightforward application. Those who say there is no God are the people who simply want nothing to do with God. The second one is found just under the surface and it is, if possible, an even more tragic one. What if the irreligious unbeliever spoken of, is one we consider to be very religious? One who goes to church and says that they are a Christian. How can this be? Before going there, let’s first hear the psalm then we will chat. 

Also, before beginning, I am proud to say that this podcast is now sponsored by our book, Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation. A collection of the Psalms, as heard here on the Psalm Tuesday episodes. I will share 2 links for you in the description of this episode. But we’ll chat more about that later as well. So, stick around. 

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is a series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. This episode is: #81 The Psalm for this episode is Psalm 53. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started. 

Please tell me what you think about this. You can do this in the comment box here:

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 53

Matthew 23:13-33 ~ Jesus calling out the very religious who were not being loyal to God. With verse 14 being the one where he uses the term devour in describing what they were doing.
John 5:39-47 ~ Even intently studying the Bible, by its lonesome, is not proof against getting it wrong.

1Corinthians 13: 1-3 ~ Paul states that things done without God’s love are worse than obnoxious.

Matthew 7:15-23; 25:31-46 ~ speak of those who think their religion has made them good, have actually missed out, and are now rejected by God. 

John 17:20-23 ~ Jesus asking that we may be one as he and the Father are.

If you get something out of what I do and want to say thank you.

Buy me a virtual coffee:  

Links to:

Our Book:
Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Click here to learn more about our book.

Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Available wherever fine books are sold. Below are links to just two of the possibilities.

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SNS 077: A Saying of Jesus, Illustrated in the Psalms? Psalm 49

Can I just say, this Psalm seems to be a fleshing out of something Jesus says in Matthew 10:28? He says, to not be afraid of those who can only kill the body but who are not able to touch the soul. Now… well, before going any further, let’s hear this psalm first, shall we? Then we can chat further. Also, I have an exciting announcement, our book, the collection of these readings, is now available for your enjoyment. I’ll share more about that at the end of this episode.

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is a series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service.   

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started. 

Please tell me what you think about this. You can do this in the comment box here:

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 49

Links to:

Our Book:
Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Click here to learn more About Our Book

Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Available wherever fine books are sold. Below are links to just two of the possibilities.

Barnes and Nobel

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SNS 073: In Praise of the Messiah, In Praise of Jesus. Psalm 45, Psalm Tuesday

Can I just say that the Psalms always seem to bring the heights of creativity and eloquent expression to bear in the worshiping of God? For example, here in this psalm, we find a poem that, on the surface, looks like one praising a king on his wedding day. Yet, under the surface, it is actually one praising the messiah and celebrating a believer’s relationship with him. This Messiah, according to the quoting of this Psalm in Hebrews chapter 1, is none other than Jesus. Which makes the believers all of us who believe in him. Yes, I know! To poetically capture the Messiah as king and those who believe in him as the queen and her attendants, all involved in a wedding… that is very eloquent indeed; and very biblical. This illustration is everywhere in the Bible. It is even in the New Testament. Now…. Well, before going any further, let’s hear this psalm first, shall we? Then we can chat about it. Also, I have an exciting announcement I’ll share at the end of this episode.

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started.

Please tell me what you think about this. You can do this in the comment box here:

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 45

Other Scripture mentioned:
2 Timothy 3:16 ~ All Scripture is for our instruction.
Hebrews 1:8,9 ~ Quoted referencing Jesus as the Messiah, the king.

Our Book:

Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Available wherever fine books are sold. Below are links to just two of the possibilities.

Barnes and Nobel

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