
SNS 094: Praising God for What? Psalm 66

Can I just say that of all the things I was expecting to find in a Psalm of praise, the psalmist praises God for something that wasn't even on the radar? It caught me entirely by surprise. Though, it does make perfect sense. He is praising God for refining his faith through a similar process to which silver is refined. Silver has to have the impurities burned out of it in order to be pure, and that fire is very hot. Another way this could be said is that he is praising God for disciplining him and helping him grow in his faith. And yes, doing so through the fiery ordeals of his current situation and pain. I know, right? Yet, this does align with what is said of this discipline in the New Testament. That is simply mind-blowing. Now look, well, I tell you what, let's first hear the psalm. Then we'll chat about it.  

Also, before beginning, I am proud to say that this podcast is now sponsored by our book, Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation. This book is a collection of the Psalms, as heard on the Psalm Tuesday episodes. In this book, God's word is presented in a manner that helps reveal the prayerfulness of the poetry of the Psalms, allowing you a deeper connection, a deeper relationship with him. That is exciting! I've provided a couple of links in the show notes for this episode. One to my website where you can learn more about this book and another to where it is located on Barnes and, and one more, to its location on, just for your convenience. So, go ahead and collect your copy today. 

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes, and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This podcast is for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is a series in which we will listen to a psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. Here in episode #94, we are listening to Psalm 66. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let's get started.

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Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 66

Hebrews 12: 4 - 11 ~ No discipline is fun, but God disciplines those he loves. And once trained, there is great peace. 

2 Corinthians 4: 8, 9, 17 ~ These light and momentary troubles achieve eternal glory for us.

2 Corinthians 11: 23 - 29 ~ A partial list of what these momentary troubles actually were.

2 Timothy 1:7 ~ God gives us a spirit of power, love, and discipline.

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Our Book:
Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Image of Psalms 1 - 72, the book

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SNS 086: Context Is King, Psalm 58

Can I say that it is quite effortless to take passages from the Bible out of context? Which destroys the message and meaning the passage contains. We can then get hung up on a word or phrase rather than hearing what is actually being said. For instance, in this psalm… Well, let’s first hear the psalm. Then we’ll chat about it. 

Also, before beginning, I am proud to say that this podcast is now sponsored by our book, Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation. This book is a collection of the Psalms, as heard on the Psalm Tuesday episodes. It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. I will share two links for you in the description of this episode.       

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes, and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This podcast is for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is a series in which we will listen to a psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. This episode is #86. The psalm for this episode is Psalm 58. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started. 

Would you mind telling me what you think about this? You can do this in the comment box here:

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 58

If you get something out of what I do and want to say, "Thank you."

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Our Book:
Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Click here to learn more about our book.

It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

For your convenience, two links are provided below.

Follow either to collect this book right away.

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SNS 076: What Does Praise Look Like? Psalm 48, Psalm Tuesday

Can I just say, this Psalm seems to be the embodiment of what praising God looks like? Its placement here certainly makes it look like an answer to the call to praise God in our last reading (of Psalm 47). What a beautiful and very thorough offering of praise it is too. Now… well, before going any further, let’s hear this psalm first, shall we? Then we can chat further. Also, I have an exciting announcement, there is an actual release date for our collection of these readings. I’ll share that at the end of this episode.

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday, is a series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started. 

Please tell me what you think about this. You can do this in the comment box here:

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 48

Our Book:

Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Available wherever fine books are sold. Below are links to just two of the possibilities.

Barnes and Nobel


SNS 073: In Praise of the Messiah, In Praise of Jesus. Psalm 45, Psalm Tuesday

Can I just say that the Psalms always seem to bring the heights of creativity and eloquent expression to bear in the worshiping of God? For example, here in this psalm, we find a poem that, on the surface, looks like one praising a king on his wedding day. Yet, under the surface, it is actually one praising the messiah and celebrating a believer’s relationship with him. This Messiah, according to the quoting of this Psalm in Hebrews chapter 1, is none other than Jesus. Which makes the believers all of us who believe in him. Yes, I know! To poetically capture the Messiah as king and those who believe in him as the queen and her attendants, all involved in a wedding… that is very eloquent indeed; and very biblical. This illustration is everywhere in the Bible. It is even in the New Testament. Now…. Well, before going any further, let’s hear this psalm first, shall we? Then we can chat about it. Also, I have an exciting announcement I’ll share at the end of this episode.

But, for now, my name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started.

Please tell me what you think about this. You can do this in the comment box here:

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 45

Other Scripture mentioned:
2 Timothy 3:16 ~ All Scripture is for our instruction.
Hebrews 1:8,9 ~ Quoted referencing Jesus as the Messiah, the king.

Our Book:

Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Available wherever fine books are sold. Below are links to just two of the possibilities.

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SNS 057: Noticing God's Splendor in Nature, Psalm 29, Psalm Tuesday

Have you ever noticed God’s presence in nature? Not that God is nature, but that nature reflects aspects of who its creator is. Haven’t you seen things in nature that remind you of God? In this episode, the Psalmist has and he relates this to us in a most eloquent and poetic manner. He shares how a dark and violent storm at sea reminds him of the power of God, of the voice of God. How he finds, in this chaotic storm, all of nature screaming out the glory of God. And, almost as if he knew someone would try and say that he was equating the storm with God, he ends by stating plainly that God is enthroned over the storm, he is the one who rules over the storm, he is not the storm itself. And because he is more powerful than the storm, he is able to bring peace to his people. Ready for this?

My name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. In this episode, we are reading Psalm 29. 

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started.

Please tell me what you think about this. You can do this in the comment box here:

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 29

Our Book:

Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

Available wherever fine books are sold. Below are links to just two of the possibilities.

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