
SNS 024: Christianity Isn't Merely a Religion

Christianity isn’t merely a religion. How can I say it isn’t? That is not what I said. I said it is not merely one. For authentic Christianity is a relationship that leads to religious practice. While Christianity works itself out in religious practices, these are not all that is to be found in Christianity. These are not even primary to the Christian faith. For, Christianity is primarily a relationship with Christ. This is what we talk about in this episode.

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Scripture Passages referenced:

John 15:9,10 ~ Jesus remains in the Father's love.
John 17:20-23 ~ Jesus and the Father are one and Jesus prays we will be one in them.
Matthew 15:14 ~ The Pharisees are the blind leading the blind.
Luke 22:40-44 ~ Jesus not excited at Gethesmane.
James 1:27 ~ What God considers pure and undefiled religion.
James 2:8 ~ The Royal Law is to love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22:34-40 ~ Greatest commands and them being the basis for all biblical teaching.
1 Corinthians 13 ~ Lacking love we are obnoxious and worthless.
Matthew 5:20 ~ Our righteousness needs to surpass that of the Pharisees.
Matthew 23:27 ~ Jesus calling them whitewashed tombs.
Matthew 15:14 ~ Jesus calling them the blind leaders of the blind.
John 5:39, 40 ~ They diligently searched Scripture and missed out on Jesus.
1 John 5:1 ~ To believe equated to Loving.
1 John 4:7-21 ~ If we do not love, we do not know God, for God is love.

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SNS 21: Christianity without Christ?

Can we have Christianity without Christ? Now, before you say, “You have been in quarantine way too long!”  Listen to why I ask. How I find that some Christians seem to love their religion much more than they love Jesus. We discuss how this actually prevents them from experiencing the abundant life Jesus came to give. This is not a criticism of any particular group of Christians, it is a sharing of concern over a trend I see in Christianity today. One to settle for a Christian religion that has been sweetened to our taste rather than one that develops our spiritual palate to enjoy the profound richness found in a French press style of faith. 

Also, If you like this podcast, please subscribe so that you will never miss a future episode. Thank you.

Scripture Passages referenced:
John 5:39 ~ Pharisees intently studied Scriptures and missed out on God.
Matthew 23:23-28 ~ Pharisees doing the religion very well missing out on what God considers important.
Matthew 5:20 ~ Unless you do something more than merely doing religion well (the righteousness of the Pharisees) you are missing out on God.
John 10:10 ~ Jesus came to give life in abundance.
Luke 24:13-32 ~ The disciples and Jesus on the way to Emmaus.
Matthew 6:33 ~ Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you.

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