time of need — SNS Podcast — Simple Not Shallow

time of need

SNS 038: When God Seems Distant, Psalm 10, Psalm Tuesday

In this episode, the Psalmist asks, “Why, my Lord, do you stay so distant? Why do you shut your eyes to times of need?” One of the beautiful things about the Bible is that it doesn’t candy-coat things. It is always brutally honest and candid. Join the Psalmist as he works his way through these questions, as he shares valid reasons for needing an answer, and then as he calls on God to act and fix things. Then follow on as his remembrance of who God is leads to a certainty of knowing that God isn’t truly shutting his eyes and ignoring the evil. That he is taking care of those who love him. 

My name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. This is a podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. In this episode, we are reading Psalm 10.

So, grab yourself some coffee, and let’s get started.

Scripture Passages referenced:
Psalm 10

Our Book:

Psalms 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation:

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