
SNS 023: the Bible and Its Messed Up Saints

One of the most amazing things I find in the Bible is just how messed up, how ordinarily human, the people in it truly are. Why do I find it amazing and even comforting? The last thing I’d expect in the holy book of any religion is for it to be full of those who, considered to be heroes of the faith, are as flawed as the Bible’s are. No matter where you turn, those, listed as the paragons of faith, are portrayed as fully human as I am; full of faults and fears and missteps. This is what we explore in this episode.

Scripture Passages referenced:

Hebrews 11 ~ known as the Faith Hall of Fame.

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SNS 22: When to Avoid Asking, "Is This a Sin?"

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When is it best to avoid asking the question, “Is ‘this’ a sin?” Did you know that by asking it, you can actually keep you from growing in Christ? Why do I say this and what is a better alternative? Grab your coffee and let’s talk about it. I find the answer to be when it’s taken you as far in growth as it can. Kind of like riding a bicycle; for training wheels can only take you so far. They are useful and needed for a while. But then you outgrow the need for them. And if you don’t get beyond them, you never get the full enjoyment of riding. The same is true with this question.

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Scripture Passages referenced:

Matthew 22: 34-40 ~ Loving God with entire being and neighbor as self.

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SNS 21: Christianity without Christ?

Can we have Christianity without Christ? Now, before you say, “You have been in quarantine way too long!”  Listen to why I ask. How I find that some Christians seem to love their religion much more than they love Jesus. We discuss how this actually prevents them from experiencing the abundant life Jesus came to give. This is not a criticism of any particular group of Christians, it is a sharing of concern over a trend I see in Christianity today. One to settle for a Christian religion that has been sweetened to our taste rather than one that develops our spiritual palate to enjoy the profound richness found in a French press style of faith. 

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Scripture Passages referenced:
John 5:39 ~ Pharisees intently studied Scriptures and missed out on God.
Matthew 23:23-28 ~ Pharisees doing the religion very well missing out on what God considers important.
Matthew 5:20 ~ Unless you do something more than merely doing religion well (the righteousness of the Pharisees) you are missing out on God.
John 10:10 ~ Jesus came to give life in abundance.
Luke 24:13-32 ~ The disciples and Jesus on the way to Emmaus.
Matthew 6:33 ~ Seek first the kingdom of God and everything else will be added unto you.

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SNS 020: Discovering the Tenderness of Jesus

In this episode, we talk about the tenderness Jesus shows his disciples in John 16:12. Here he says that he cannot share more things with them because they are not ready to hear them. Knowing and acting on the difference between teaching and dumping information is the mark of humble tenderness and compassion. Jesus cares enough about you to take you right up to that line and he cares enough to never cross it. That is beautiful, that is loving, that is the profoundness of his tenderness. Join me as we talk about this.

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Scripture Passages referenced:
John 16:12

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SNS 019: You Don't Know Me? A Personal Connection

In this episode, I share a profound connection I made with Jesus while reading my devotional. This from My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers. I do not talk about what Chambers wrote, but I do talk about what profoundly affected me during the reading. Something that made Jesus even more personal to me and made me question whether I was living in such a way that would cause Jesus to ask me, "Have I been with you so long, and you don't know me?" That is humbling to contemplate.

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Scripture Passages referenced:
John 14:9

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