070 SNS: Psalm 2, An Informed Choice

This original presentation of Psalm 2, remains true to the time-honored meaning found in this Psalm. It is also a presentation that is poetic in its editing. This reveals nuances that lead to deeper understandings and a greater appreciation of the meaning contained. It is hoped that this will inspire growth in your relationship with God. This reading comes from our book, entitled: Psalm 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation. It is available wherever fine books are sold. 2 links are offered below.

The title is from our podcast where we chat about 1 aspect of each psalm.

The episode we chat about this psalm is here.

Below are the promised links for our book.

Click here to learn more about our book.

It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

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069 SNS: Psalm 1, The Secret To an Abundant Life

This is a presentation of Psalm 1, one which remains true to the time-honored meaning found in this Psalm. It is also a presentation that is both scholarly in its translation and poetic in its editing. This reveals nuances that lead to deeper understandings and a greater appreciation of the meaning contained. It is hoped that this will inspire growth in your relationship with God.

This reading comes from our book, entitled: Psalm 1-72, A Simple Not Shallow Presentation.

The title is from our podcast where we chat about 1 aspect of each psalm.

The episode we chat about this psalm is here.

Click here to learn more about our book.

It is available as a paperback and as an e-book. It can be found wherever fine books are sold.

For your convenience, two links are provided below.

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068 SNS: Why Doesn't God Just Fix Things?

In our last video, there were a couple of things we just weren't able to get to. In particular, the questions of why God doesn't just fix things. If he is th...

067 SNS: Where Is God When I'm Hurting?

Have you ever asked yourself, where is God when you are hurting? Why is God hiding, why can't you feel his presence? These are what we are going to seek an a...

Scripture Passages referenced:

John 16:33 - In this world you will have trouble.

John 15:18-21 - The world will hate you because it hated me.

John 15:1-17 - Abide in Jesus and his love and joy will be complete.

Philippians 4:4-7 - Peace which passes all understanding.

Matthew 14:28-30 - Peter walking on water then sinking.

John 15: 14, 15 - Jesus calls us friends.

Mark 6:3, John 7:52; Matthew 26:65, 66; and possibly John 8:41 – Jesus is made fun of.

Luke 22:41, 42 - Jesus in pain and under stress.

Hebrews 4:15 - Jesus can sympathize with our weaknesses.

Matthew 27:46 – Jesus knows what it feels like to feel abandoned by God.

Romans 12:15 – To laugh when you laugh and cry when you cry.

Hebrews 13:3 – To remember those in prison as if you are bound and those mistreated as if you were suffering with them.

Matthew 28:20 – Jesus promises to always be with us.

Romans 8:39 – No one can drive him away.

Romans 8:11 – The Comforter, the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.

Job 38:3; 40:7 – God telling Job to play the man, to man-up.

Hebrews 5:12, 13 – Solid food is for grownups, milk is for infants. The need for us to be growing.

1 Corinthians 3:1 – Only being able to address folks as infants.

1 Corinthians 14:20 – We are told to stop being infants, we need to be mature.

1 Peter 2:2 – Milk given to help us grow up.

Psalm 1:2, 3 – study God’s word night and day.

Philippians 4:8, 9 – fill mind with noble, right, and pure things and the God of peace will be with us.

Philippians 4:4-7 The peace which passes all understanding.

Links to:

The video mentioned. If God Is So Relational, Why Does He Allow Evil in the World? https://youtu.be/WaHraqY-5HU

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066 SNS: How Loving God Authentically Involves Thinking Genuinely

So, here's the question, does having faith in Christ mean that you stop thinking? Does my emphasis on God's love and our love for him mean that I agree with ...

065 SNS: Christianity not Mere Religion

Christianity isn’t merely a religion. How can I say it isn’t one? That is not what I said. I said it is not merely one. For authentic Christianity is a relationship that leads to religious practice. While Christianity works itself out in religious practices, this is not all there is to Christianity. These practices are not even primary to the Christian faith. Christianity is primarily a relationship with Christ. This is what we discuss in the video.

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Scripture passages referenced:

John 15:9,10 ~ Jesus remains in the Father's love.

John 17:20-23 ~ Jesus and the Father are one and Jesus prays we will be one in them.

Matthew 15:14 ~ The Pharisees are the blind leading the blind.

Luke 22:40-44 ~ Jesus not excited at Gethesmane.

James 1:27 ~ What God considers pure and undefiled religion.

James 2:8 ~ The Royal Law is to love your neighbor as yourself.

Matthew 22:34-40 ~ Greatest commands and them being the basis for all biblical teaching.

1 Corinthians 13 ~ Lacking love we are obnoxious and worthless.

Matthew 5:20 ~ Our righteousness needs to surpass that of the Pharisees.

Matthew 23:27 ~ Jesus calling them whitewashed tombs.

Matthew 15:14 ~ Jesus calling them the blind leaders of the blind.

John 5:39, 40 ~ They diligently searched Scripture and missed out on Jesus.

1 John 5:1 ~ To believe equated to Loving.

1 John 4:7-21 ~ If we do not love, we do not know God, for God is love.

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064 SNS: the Bible and Its Messed Up Saints

One of the most amazing things I find in the Bible is just how messed up, how ordinarily human, the people in it truly are. Why do it find it amazing and eve...

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/SimpleNShallow

059 SNS: God Exists, Proof # 2

Back in the video entitled: How Do Know God Is Real?, we talked about one of the ways I know that God is real. In that episode, we mentioned that we are not looking at physical evidence, rather we were looking for relational proofs; since God is a relational God. Would you be interested in knowing that there is another proof? One that Jesus reveals in the Bible? That is what we are going to explore here in this video.

058 SNS: God, Non-Dysfunction, and Faith

Last time we spoke of God not being dysfunctional and by the end of the discussion we noted that we were mainly addressing those who call themselves Christian. How does God respecting our choice to love or not, apply to Christian peoples? That is what we are going to explore here in this video.

056 SNS Learning to Love in Simple Steps?

With all this talk about love, the question arises, "So what can we do in order to love as we should?" I mean, if we could just be given some quick and easy steps... the world would be a better place, right? Here's the rub, we don't all love in the same way.

055 SNS: How Can I Honestly Forgive

Last time we discussed expressing God's love to those who are unlovely. Specifically, the one who cheated me out of money. Time was spent discussing how prayer is one expression of God's love. Yet, how can I honestly ask God to bless the one who cheated me? This makes no sense.

054 SNS: Loving the Unlovely, an Example

Last time we spoke of what love may or may not entail. It has, since then, been on my mind to offer you an example of what loving the unlovable looks like in my own life. Anyway, that is what we are going to explore here in this video.

052 SNS: Breaking the Cycle of Sin

So, the other day I was talking to a friend about how living the Christian life can be a struggle. Particularly in overcoming consistent shortcomings, the sins we try to avoid but end up doing anyway. We began to kick around the question, is there a way to have this cycle broken in a Christian's life?

051 SNS: Who Are the Unlovable?

Last time, I mentioned that the increase in my ability to love the unlovable is a proof that God is real. Who are the first people that come to your mind when you hear the phrase, “the unlovable?” This is what we are going to explore here in this video.