050 SNS: How Do You Know God Is Real?

I was once asked, “How do you know that God is real?” And to be honest with you, that drew me up short, to tell you the truth. I had to pause and think about it. How did I know God was real? That is what we are going to explore here in this video.

049 SNS: Love: The Power to Be All God Wants Us to Be?

This video is about the power needed to be who God wants us to be. First, I'll share some interesting things I found about God's concept of power. And then we will chat about how it is the power to help you be all God wants you to be.

048 SNS: What is the Most Important Thing a Christian Must Do?

This video is about the most important thing a Christian must do. We'll talk about what our relational God says it is and we'll explore why this one thing is so important. My name is Charles Yerkes and I am with simplenotshallow.com. Helping you keep faith in Jesus simple, not shallow.

047 SNS: Predestination, Freewill, or Something More?

Is it predestination, freewill, or something more? Perhaps a combination of both; as found and forged in a relationship with God? That is what we are going to talk about in this video. So, hang on, here we go. My name is Charles, Charles Yerkes. Thank you for joining me.

046 SNS: Are All Religions the Same? Or, Many Religions and a Relational God?

Are all religions the same? That's an interesting question, especially coming from a Christian perspective. After all, this question is most often asked about Christianity. Isn't Christianity the same as every other world religion? That's what we are going to talk about in this video. My name is Charles, Charles Yerkes.

045 SNS: Anxiety and Growing in Christ

Anxiety and growing in Christ. That's what we are going to talk about in this video. For growth brings change and change can bring anxiety with it. This presents an interesting conundrum. One between concern and anxiety. We legitimately need to be concerned about staying in tune with Christ and making sure that what we learn is actually biblical.

044 SNS: Would A Relational God Want Us to be Anxious?

Would a relational God want us to be anxious?Is being anxious helpful in developing a vibrant relationship with him? If not, how can we not be anxious? These are the questions that we are going to talk about in this video. Hang on, here we go.

043 SNS: The Religion a Relational God Desires.

Ever wonder what religion, what religious practices, our relational God would desire, ones he would consider worthwhile, ones he would consider of primary importance? That is what we are going to talk about in this video. Hang on, here we go.

042 SNS: Karma And Reaping what You Sow, are They the Same Thing?

This video is about comparing karma with the Christian teaching of reaping what you sow. And we will see that a more interesting question is: Why would a relational God make use of a teaching that does not lead to a relationship with him? Sounds interesting? Let me know what you think in the comments section below.

040 SNS: If God is so Relational, Why Does He Allow Evil in the World?

In this video, we're going to look at the question, “If God is such a relational God, why does he allow evil in the world?” It's a very good question. In fact, it's such a good question that many people use it as an objection to belief in God. So, I figured is pretty important to talk about.

039 SNS: A Story, Elijah and His Relational God

In this video, we are going to talk about Elijah and his relational God. God cares for people. I know, the God of the Old Testament is supposed to be somewhat heartless. This story makes the case otherwise. He is just as relational then as he is now.

038 SNS Video: Seeing Relationship Through the Rocks or, Why are Rocks so Important to Christianity?

In this video, we will consider the questions, "What reason did rocks become so important in Judeo-Christian history?" This sent in by Abbie from our Facebook page. When viewed through the lens of a relational God, I don't find rocks to be important to Christianity. Though they do make great illustrations.

037 SNS Video: If We're Committed, Do We Really Need a Piece of Paper?

This video talks about the question, If 2 people are committed to each other, do they need a piece of paper to seal the deal? This question was sent in by Kara Smith, and on our Facebook page. This is discussed while considering both non-biblical sources and the Bible. It is a fascinating question to talk about when viewed through the lens of a relational God.

036 SNS Video: How to get a Deeper Relationship with God?

This video is about, "How to get a Deeper Relationship with God?" A question sent in by frischer kaese. A relational God demands a relational answer to this question. So, the answer involves going deeper than the simple and safe answer of, "Read the Bible and pray." Yes, reading the Bible every day and praying continuously to God are both intrinsic parts of growing in a relationship with him. Yet, the Pharisees did this and came up lacking. The answer involves Luke 6 and 1John 4. It involves pursuing God himself, not mere facts about him and loving those that common sense tells us to hate.

** Jarod Smith of newtribe.church, thank you for allowing me to use your insights into Luke 6. They made all the difference to this video.

035 SNS Video: What Does it Mean to be a Christian and Why is that Important?

This video is about What does it mean to be a Christian? And why is that important? We must know this before we can ask any meaningful questions, get any meaningful answers, or have any worthwhile discussions. This is the key to it all. Please, let me know if this connected with you in any way.

033 SNS Video: Knowing Jesus Through Contrasts.

In this video, we will get to know Jesus a little better through a contrast made; one between him and wicked folks as found in Psalm 12. And at the end of this video, we will have 1 ‘what if’ and a list of 5 New Testament passages, that you can combine with Psalm 12 to make your next devotion time quite revealing. Buckle up, here we go.

032 SNS Video: If Religion Cannot? What Can?

If religion can't guarantee insight into who Jesus is, what can? In this video, we will explore this through the story of the nobleman from Capernaum. We will do this first, by conversationally reading his story in John 4:46-54 and then by briefly touching on 3 nuances that I heard in this story; ones that have helped this passage come alive to me.

031 SNS Video: Living in Hope not Despair

In a world in which so much is wrong, can we live in hope instead of despair? Would it surprise you that, over two thousand years ago, David wrote a poem about this very topic? One in which he says we can? In this video we will explore this, first by reading the Simple Not Shallow Studied Interpretation of Psalm 11 and then by sharing 4 things that impressed me in this reading.