the fool — SNS Podcast — Simple Not Shallow

the fool

SNS 042: Some Subtle Connections, Psalm 14, Psalm Tuesday

One of the things I love about the Bible is how subtle connections are often made between things. For instance, in this Psalm, acting prudently, with insight, is equated with searching intently for God. This also connects the doing of deeds in a loathsome and heinous manner with any deed done while not intently searching for God. How intriguing is that? Anyway, take a listen and tell me what other connections you find here.

Hello. My name is Charles, Charles Yerkes and this is Psalm Tuesday here on the Simple Not Shallow Podcast. A podcast for those who want a deeper faith and not an aggressively mediocre one. Psalm Tuesday is series in which, each Tuesday, we will listen to a Psalm being read in a manner that honors their original use as part of a worship service. In this episode, we are reading Psalm 14.

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