019 SNS Video: Jesus Came... Even for the Religious?

Jesus came… even for the religious? Sound like a strange question? In this video, we are going to take a look at what John 3:1-21 says about this question. First by conversationally reading this passage and then by discussing the 4 nuances I have found that have helped me find the answer. Buckle up cause here we go.

016 SNS Video: Earning the Mercy of God?

Can you earn God's mercy? In this video, we will discuss what David found to be true as we conversationally read Psalm 6. A hint, it may have something to do with the character of God. oops, spoilers...

014 SNS: How Does Reading the Bible Help You Hear Nuance in the Bible?

In this video, we will discuss how reading the Bible on a consistent basis can open up your understanding of other passages of the Bible. This will be illustrated by our conversational reading of Psalm 5. I know! Who knew that the Bible could teach you about the Bible? Getting back to our MP3 player illustration, the Bible can be the home stereo unit of the Bible. Anyway, here we go.

012 SNS Video: Are You Sure

Conversationally reading the Bible is both informative and fun. Yet, we must not allow this to lead us to thoughts and ideas that fall wide of Bible truth. Here are some thoughts on how to make sure that your joy in reading the Bible will continue and that all new depths of insight gained are ones about true depths of the Bible and not simply strange thoughts, ones that are just plain wrong.  

011 SNS Video God's Generosity

In this video, we will be discussing the generosity of God. I will begin this discussion by conversationally reading the Simple Not Shallow studied interpretation of Psalm 4. Afterward reading this Psalm, we’ll discuss 3 nuances about generosity that I heard in this reading. Ones that have helped me discover some of the abundance I have been looking for. Then, I’m going to ask what you think. 

007 SNS Video Compassionate and Just?


What can compassionate love look like; and can it be firmly just? In this video, we will conversationally read the Simple Not Shallow studied interpretation of Psalm 2 and find out.This will involve discussing 4 dots that got connected, 2 connections that got made from these dots, and 1 major nuance I heard that has deepened my understanding of compassionate love.

001 SNS Video: Welcome to the Videos

Welcome to the Simple Not Shallow Video pages. This will let you know the basics of what is happening here. It will explain a little about the who, the why, and the how. Though if you have read my About pages here, you already know most of this. But enjoy anyway. Thank you.